Question: 1
You need to address the data concerns before creating the data model. What should you do in Power Query Editor?
A. Select Column distribution.
B. Select the sales_amount column and apply a number filter.
C. Select Column profile, and then select the sales_amount column.
D. Transform the sales_amount column to replace negative values with 0.
Answer: A
Question: 2
You need to create a calculated column to display the month based on the reporting requirements. Which DAX expression should you use?
A. FORMAT('Date'[date],"MMM YYYY")
B. FORMAT(,Date,[date_id],"WM YYYY")
C. FORMAT('Date'[date],"M YY")
D. FORMAT(‘Date’[date_id]-‘’MM") & " " & FORMAT ('Date' [year], "#")
Answer: D
Question: 3
You need to create the required relationship for the executive's visual. What should you do before you can create the relationship?
A. Change the data type of Sales[region_id] to Whole Number.
B. In the Sales table, add a measure for sum(sales_amount).
C. Change the data type of sales[sales_id] to Text.
D. Change the data type of sales [region_id] to Decimal Number.
Answer: C
Question: 4
You need to create a relationship between the Weekly_Returns table and the Date table to meet the reporting requirements of the regional managers. What should you do?
A. In the Weekly.Returns table, create a new calculated column named date-id in a format of yyyymmdd and use the calculated column to create a relationship to the Date table.
B. Add the Weekly_Returns data to the Sales table by using related DAX functions.
C. Create a new table based on the Date table where date-id is unique, and then create a many-tomany relationship to Weekly_Return.
Answer: A
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